Shoot your Shot
Shooting sports games is not something I am all together unfamiliar with, but trying a to shoot a sport I had not before was difficult. Basketball is not a super complex game to follow as it normally revolves around both teams running back and forth. The main issue came with the fact that it was indoors and the lighting was innately poor resulting in having to push my ISO higher than I normally would have. Capturing the actions was not difficult, but I had to really work the shutter speed to prevent getting grainy shots. One of my lens options has the capability of and f/stop of 1.8, so I was able to get the extra few stops of light necessary to shoot the game.
Following actions throughout the game was not immensely difficult, as stated previously it is a simple sport to keep up with. One of the major issues that came up with keeping track of the fouls and who received which and when. Obtaining a roster before the game helped with this, but it was still difficult when all the players began to get clumped up or if they found themselves in a heated moment. Women’s basketball is a little bit different than men’s in that it had more action in my opinion. I have been to many men's games before but there were never as many fouls as there were in women's, but it could have been the game itself rather than the sport as a whole. Players would often steal the ball more, there were many more shots made from the three-point line, defense seemed much more active. All-in-all it felt more intense, but also more chaotic by nature.
Capturing the four main shots required was nothing too difficult, it was mainly composing them in a way that felt natural but also did not get me in trouble with the coaches. The areas for shooting were not exactly efficient, almost always being behind people or in sub-optimal angles. Since shooting it, I have a more comprehensive map for where I would position to get what photos I need, but visiting the scene beforehand may have assisted with better capturing what shots I needed.
Getting the names for each of the players proved to be almost no issue, having done it for the homecoming game previously. Following up with attendees was somewhat annoying, mostly due to the occasional fan asking not to be named for the blog post, although most were more than willing. The roster was easily accessible on the Wayne State sports page, making naming the players a simple task.
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